Arian International. is one of the leading suppliers of Base Oil Group I according to American Petroleum Institute (API), that contain less than 90 percent saturates and have viscosity index greater than or equal to 85 and less than 120.


Base Oils are used to manufacture products including motor oil, Industrial oil, Grease, and etc.

Base Oil SN150
Row No.Type TestValueTest Method
1Viscosity @ 100°C (Cts)5.2-6ASTM D445
2Viscosity @ 40°C (Cts)ReportASTM D445
3VI95 minASTM D2270
4Flash Point (°C)200 minASTM D93
5Color1.5 maxASTM D1500
6Sp.Gr @ 15.5°C0.87-0.88ASTM D1298
7Pour point (°C)-9 maxASTM D97