Slack Wax, is a by product of the base oil refinery process. These are produced in different types depending on the viscosity of the lube oil being de waxed:

Light and Heavy Slack Wax


  • Waterproof fabric and industrial paper
  • ndustrial waxes
  • Solid inks copy paper
  • Matches production
Heavy Slack Wax 16-23
Row No.Type TestValueTest Method
1Viscosity @ 100°C5-7.5ASTM D445
2Flash Point (°C)200 minASTM D93
3Melting Point (°C)60 minASTM D87
4Color2.5 maxASTM D1500
5Oil Content (%)16-23ASTM D721
6RI @ 70°C1.44-1.4550ASTM D1218